再看我一眼再看我一眼,現在就說再見….. Bye,2013

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

Madison Square Garden can seat 20,000 people for a concert. This blog was viewed about 68,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Madison Square Garden, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

{美國美食} 華盛頓扒飛餐廳 Royal Star

WP_20131225_12_29_27_ProRoyal Star Buffet

今年聖誕節假期參加旅行團到聞名已久的華盛頓德國村逛逛。去程的路上導遊免不了送這群溫哥華的旅客嚐嚐華盛頓州的中式扒飛餐…. 是的,正是206號出口的旺德福餐廳(點這裡看餐廳介紹)。很不巧,可能是我這一團出發得晚,透過電話聯絡,導遊告訴我們這家完全客滿,沒有座位…. 閱讀全文 “{美國美食} 華盛頓扒飛餐廳 Royal Star”